“What was the biggest lesson you learned in India? How did you grow the most?” These are questions I have been asked since arriving back in the States after spending half a year working in Kolkata slums with impoverished and destitute out-castes. I suppose I probably grew more and learned more about myself than I will ever know, but to me these questions appear to miss the point. I didn’t go to India to learn a lesson and I didn’t go to grow in my faith. I went to India to help those less fortunate than myself.
I went to Kolkata because a lot of poor people live in Kolkata. Though I was hoping, of course, that Kolkata would be the next step in my life and faith and bring greater intimacy with God, that wasn’t really the goal; the goal was to look after some sick people and visit some lonely people, to be the hands and feet of Jesus in a land that could use some extra hands and feet. These questions seemed to be taking the emphasis off of them and placing it on me.
Though it felt a little annoying at first, responding to the question, “How did you grow?” actually helped me process my experiences and in doing so I have realized once again the beauty of the G42 phrase “both and”. Yes I went to India to love Indians, but I also went to seek the heart of God. In the Kingdom these are not mutually exclusive but entirely inseparable. The point was to love others and the point was to learn and grow; and yes, I did learn incredibly valuable lessons. Not the least of which was this one.
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