Wednesday, May 11, 2016

A Cheapskate's Guide to India: 8 Buys Sure to Blow Your Mind

You always hear that things in India are cheap, but what does that really mean?  Well, even a cheapskate like me gets shocked by some of the prices.  Here is a list I've compiled of 8 shockingly cheap buys in the Far East.

  1. A night's stay on the beach in the most exotic Indian city (Goa) complete with A/C and lockers - $7
    This guy was so worried about looking good for his selfies that he forgot to don his swim shorts
  2. Filet Mignon and King Prawns with a vinaigrette salad and glass of red wine - $10
    Not sure why they were served in a hugging position though
  3. A ticket aboard a cross-country sleeper train (Delhi to Kolkata: 1100 miles over 38 hours) - $9
    This pictures was taken by Drea on the train to Goa 
  4. A pound of fresh, organic, local tomatoes - $0.08
    This is the only picture I could find that had tomatoes in it.  I think Drea is arguing the price of those gourds. 
  5. A custom tailored plaid business shirt - $4
    The one on the right is the custom tailored one
  6. A couple hours from an electrician to repair the wiring in your flat - $4.50
    Our friend Corny was held liable for these damages but later we discovered it was actually a rat
  7. A made-to-order, piping hot street food breakfast of Dosa (giant rice pancake filled with potato and onion curry with peanut and ginger dipping sauces) - $0.30
    Vlad is actually eating Baskin Robbins in the picture but you get the idea
  8. A city bus ride to the city center (6 miles) - $0.20
    You also get free life experience and character development with every ride 

Unfortunately not everything in India is super cheap.  Boneless skinless chicken, though literally as fresh as possible, costs $3.50 a pound, cheddar cheese $15 a pound, an average laptop $1000, and land is crazy expensive.  Also there is no way to ever buy anything used, no Salvation Army and no yard sales; so there is no cheap option for furniture.  Overall though India is pretty much the ultimate dream of a cheapskate.