Wednesday, May 11, 2016

A Cheapskate's Guide to India: 8 Buys Sure to Blow Your Mind

You always hear that things in India are cheap, but what does that really mean?  Well, even a cheapskate like me gets shocked by some of the prices.  Here is a list I've compiled of 8 shockingly cheap buys in the Far East.

  1. A night's stay on the beach in the most exotic Indian city (Goa) complete with A/C and lockers - $7
    This guy was so worried about looking good for his selfies that he forgot to don his swim shorts
  2. Filet Mignon and King Prawns with a vinaigrette salad and glass of red wine - $10
    Not sure why they were served in a hugging position though
  3. A ticket aboard a cross-country sleeper train (Delhi to Kolkata: 1100 miles over 38 hours) - $9
    This pictures was taken by Drea on the train to Goa 
  4. A pound of fresh, organic, local tomatoes - $0.08
    This is the only picture I could find that had tomatoes in it.  I think Drea is arguing the price of those gourds. 
  5. A custom tailored plaid business shirt - $4
    The one on the right is the custom tailored one
  6. A couple hours from an electrician to repair the wiring in your flat - $4.50
    Our friend Corny was held liable for these damages but later we discovered it was actually a rat
  7. A made-to-order, piping hot street food breakfast of Dosa (giant rice pancake filled with potato and onion curry with peanut and ginger dipping sauces) - $0.30
    Vlad is actually eating Baskin Robbins in the picture but you get the idea
  8. A city bus ride to the city center (6 miles) - $0.20
    You also get free life experience and character development with every ride 

Unfortunately not everything in India is super cheap.  Boneless skinless chicken, though literally as fresh as possible, costs $3.50 a pound, cheddar cheese $15 a pound, an average laptop $1000, and land is crazy expensive.  Also there is no way to ever buy anything used, no Salvation Army and no yard sales; so there is no cheap option for furniture.  Overall though India is pretty much the ultimate dream of a cheapskate. 


  1. Awesome, I might have just been inspired to share a similar post on my blog about Ethiopia...I will say dating in Ethiopia is the best because roses cost 14 cents each (dozen for $1.70 - Amazing) plus they are fresh from the field. And restaurants are fairly cheap as well (sounds similar to your experience in India) and just like you boneless chicken breast, cheddar cheese, and electronics are crazy expensive.... I am looking forward to my first year of married life in Ethiopia because the financial stresses will be minimized compared to if we were in the US of A. Thanks for sharing bro and keep the posts coming.

    1. YES!! You totally should, I'd be really interested to see the comparison!

  2. this is so good :) and now I'm hungry!

  3. A night's stay on the beach! !! What is the accommodation?

    1. It was called "Backpacker Panda" and was quite comfortable!
