Monday, December 28, 2015

24/7 Prayer and Worship at the Washington Monument

I truly believe the US is going to see a huge revival within the next 10 to 15 years, similar to the Great Awakening of the 1700s.  Last weekend I went to Washington DC for a couple days to take part in a prayer movement in the heart of our nation's capitol.  Right next to the Washington Monument is a white tent with clear windows, a heater, and a sign that says, "David's Tent".  It is a place of 24/7 prayer and worship that began September 11th and will continue until the election in November of next year.  And by 24/7 I mean not a single minute passes day or night without somebody worshipping. 

A couple friends and I signed up for two-hour slots two nights in a row; from 3 to 5 AM.  We parked on an empty Constitution Avenue at 1 AM and walked up the Mall with our guitar cases and banjo.  Sitting and praying before our set began the first night I had one of those moments where you start smiling involuntarily and can't stop.  I was sitting in the center of the capitol of the United States, worshipping Jesus with a bunch of radical 20-somethings, praying for revival.  How could it even be possible that something big wasn't going to come out of this?

Two all-nighters of singing in the cold sandwiched between a couple 10 hour drives ensured that I ended up with a pretty bad cold to pass off to my family in Ohio but it was totally worth it.  Who wouldn't make such a small sacrifice to be part of something so eternal?  That first great awakening was preceded by a prayer movement and though it mostly consisted of churched Americans reviving the church, it led to what was called "the second great awakening" which was a massive turn of non-believers to Christ all across the country.  In fact, if you look back you'll find that most big movements of God have been preceded by revivals of prayer.  With IHOP in Kansas City, Bethel in Reading, all the Burns everywhere, and now David's Tent right on the Capitol Mall we are destined to see something big.  I felt so privileged to sit on that white fold-out chair in the presence of the Almighty God and sing until my throat was sore at five in the morning.  A perfect way to close out the year and usher in a new age. 

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