Thursday, January 16, 2014

This Past Semester in One Word

If I had to sum up the last semester of G42 in just one word (thank goodness I don't), I would use the word "hope".  I have always considered myself an optimistic person.  I have prided myself in the past for my ability to focus on the positive, but I never realized how hopeless my world view actually was until last semester. 

From what I had seen of the world, relationships brought pain more often than joy, abuse was the norm not the exception, and death was the only constant in life.  I had always been told that the world was headed down the drain.  "What is this country coming to?" was a redundant question asked by the oldest and wisest people.  I looked forward to heaven because hope for this world was already lost.  The only hope that remained was for Jesus to come back and rescue the few faithful survivors from the devil's stronghold. 

I started to question these beliefs on the World Race.  As I traveled around the world doing missions I got to see how God was working in each country and each ministry.  I saw lives being changed every day, I saw love being multiplied everywhere and it seemed like an unstoppable force.  I began to wonder if maybe the world wasn't doomed.  It kind of seemed like God was present on the earth and things were actually getting better. 

My time at G-42 has taken those questions and solidified them into concrete beliefs.  The book of Hebrews says our faith is the substances of things hoped for.  This is the cornerstone of our faith.  This is what the Gospel, the good news, is all about.  Because of Jesus we can hope for lives of fulfillment, peace, and joy; for radical transformations, for a church against which the gates of Hell will not prevail, for freedom and justice and healing.  Jesus brought the keys to the Kingdom, he defeated the enemy, and on the cross he said "it is finished."  The ancient curse of Adam has been overthrown and the serpent has been crushed.  The church is waking up and people are coming to the light by the millions. 

It's a great time to be a Christian!  Jesus is the constant in the world, he can heal the abuses of the past and there is no need for them to be repeated.  We don't have to wait for heaven to be a part of the Kingdom!  


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Amen! This is awesome Brant! Great blog post and great inspiring words of truth! I love it! I can even sense a change of heart in your tone of voice in your writing. God is doing miraculous things through you and your brothers and sisters at G42, I just know it! Thanks for sharing this hope Brant! It's a great reminder and wonderful word of truth! Blessings to you brother :)
    From your lil sis, Katie

  3. Dude, glad you didn't keep it to one word-- you've got me fired up...can't wait to hear about this next semester!
